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Oct 14, 2012

...lista de artigos científicos de investigadores portugueses

As interrogações sobre a anorexia e a bulimia ("o que se está a passar comigo?" " o que se passou comigo?" etc.) encontram por vezes resposta na investigação que vai sendo publicada. Infelizmente essas respostas científicas não são de leitura e compreensão simples. De tempos a tempos damos notícia no esqueciaana de alguns desses artigos, livros ou teses (pedido aos leitores deste blogue: sugestões sempre bem-vindas!).
Hoje, com o agradecimentos a todos os investigadores e em particular aos investigadores portugueses publicamos uma lista de dezenas de artigos publicados por investigadores portugueses e/ou sobre a anorexia, a bulimia e outras doenças do comportamento alimentar em Portugal. (marcamos a bold as publicações de 2012, há cerca de um ano tinhamos publicado outra lista - aqui).

M. S. Alvarenga, M. C. T. Martins, Kscj Sato, S. V. A. Vargas, S. T. Philippi, and F. B. Scagliusi. 2012 Orthorexia nervosa behavior in a sample of brazilian dietitians assessed by the portuguese version of orto-15. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity 17, no. 1: E29-E35.
M. S. Alvarenga, R. F. Pereira, F. B. Scagliusi, S. T. Philippi, C. C. P. Estima, and J. Croll. 2010. Psychometric evaluation of the disordered eating attitude scale (deas). English version. Appetite 55, no. 2: 374-76.
A. C. S. Amaral, T. A. Cordas, M. A. Conti, and M. E. C. Ferreira. 2011. Semantic equivalence and internal consistency of the brazilian portuguese version of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-3 (sataq-3). Cadernos De Saude Publica 27, no. 8: 1487-97.
S. Bacalhau and P. Moleiro. 2010. Eating disorders in adolescents what to look for? Acta Medica Portuguesa 23, no. 5: 777-84.
C. Bento, A. T. Pereira, B. Maia, M. Marques, M. J. Soares, S. Bos, J. Valente, A. Gomes, M. H. P. Azevedo, and A. Macedo. 2010. Perfectionism and eating behaviour in portuguese adolescents. European Eating Disorders Review 18, no. 4: 328-37.
M. B. F. Borges, C. M. Morgan, A. M. Claudino, and D. X. da Silveira. 2005. Validation of the portuguese version of the questionnaire on eating and weight patterns-revised (qewp-r) for the screening of binge eating disorder. Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria 27, no. 4: 319-22.


J. P. Cardoso and A. P. Pires. 2012. Eating disorders in pregnancy: A review. Psicologia-Reflexao E Critica 25, no. 1: 139-46.
E. V. Carraca, D. Markland, M. N. Silva, S. R. Coutinho, P. N. Vieira, C. S. Minderico, L. B. Sardinha, and P. J. Teixeira. 2011. Dysfunctional body investment versus body dissatisfaction: Relations with well-being and controlled motivations for obesity treatment. Motivation and Emotion 35, no. 4: 423-34.

L. Castro, H. Davies, L. Hale, S. Surguladze, and K. Tchanturia. 2010. Facial affect recognition in anorexia nervosa: Is obsessionality a missing piece of the puzzle? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 44, no. 12: 1118-25.
M. A. Conti, F. Scagliusi, G. K. D. Queiroz, N. Hearst, and T. A. Cordas. 2010. Cross-cultural adaptation: Translation and portuguese language content validation of the tripartite influence scale for body dissatisfaction. Cadernos De Saude Publica 26, no. 3: 503-13.
M. A. Conti, B. Slater, and Mddd Latorre. 2009. Validity and reproducibility of escala de evaluacion da insatisfacion corporal para adolescentes. Revista De Saude Publica 43, no. 3.
F. Correia, R. Poinhos, S. Pinhao, Bmpm De Oliveira, R. Coelho, M. D. V. De Almeida, J. L. Medina, and A. Galvao-Teles. 2009. Psychological characteristics in an obese population assessed using psychometric self-evaluation. Obesity and Metabolism-Milan 5, no. 2: 78-85.
C. Costa, E. Ramos, M. Severo, H. Barros, and C. Lopes. 2008. Determinants of eating disorders symptomatology in portuguese adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 162, no. 12: 1126-32.


A. I. Cunha, A. P. Relvas, and I. Soares. 2009. Anorexia nervosa and family relationships: Perceived family functioning, coping strategies, beliefs, and attachment to parents and peers. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 9, no. 2: 229-40.
V. O. Damasceno, J. M. Vianna, J. S. Novaes, J. P. de Lima, H. M. Fernandes, and V. M. Reis. 2011. Relationship between anthropometric variables and body image dissatisfaction among fitness center users. Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte 20, no. 2: 367-82.


G. A. N. de Almeida, S. R. Loureiro, and J. E. dos Santos. 2001. Morbid obesity in women - eating style and quality of life. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutricion 51, no. 4: 359-65.
M. X. de Araujo and Mirs Henriques. 2011. Which "Difference does make a difference" In recovery of anorexia nervosa? Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica 38, no. 2: 71-76.
P. H. B. de Carvalho, M. A. Conti, T. A. Cordas, and M. E. C. Ferreira. 2012. Portuguese (brazil) translation, semantic equivalence and internal consistency of the male body checking questionnaire (mbcq). Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica 39, no. 2: 74-75.
J. de Souza, F. Abade, P. M. C. da Silva, and E. F. Furtado. 2011. Family functioning assessment in the context of mental health. Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica 38, no. 6: 254-59.
M. H. P. De azevedo and C. P. Ferreira. 1992. Anorexia-nervosa and bulimia - a prevalence study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 86, no. 6: 432-36.
G. A. C. Dias, G. V. Pires, S. O. R. Valle, A. T. Franca, J. A. Papi, S. D. Dortas, S. A. P. Levy, I. Baiardini, and G. W. Canonica. 2011. Cross-cultural adaptation of the brazilian-portuguese version of the chronic urticaria quality-of-life questionnaire - cu-q(2)ol. Allergy 66, no. 11: 1487-93.
P. Dias, I. Soares, J. Klein, J. P. S. Cunha, and G. I. Roisman. 2011. Autonomic correlates of attachment insecurity in a sample of women with eating disorders. Attachment & Human Development 13, no. 2: 155-67.
I. do Carmo, M. Mascarenhas, A. Macedo, A. Silva, I. Santos, D. Bouca, J. Myatt, and D. Sampaio. 2007. A study of bone density change in patients with anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review 15, no. 6: 457-62.
I. Docarmo, D. Sampaio, M. J. S. Brito, F. Baptista, and A. Galvaoteles. 1994. Characterization of an obese population with an eating disorders inventory (edi). Ed H. Ditschuneit, F. A. Gries, H. Hauner, V. Schusdziarra and J. G. Wechsler. Obesity in europe 93: Proceedings of the 5th european congress on obesity.
S. G. Engel, R. L. Kolotkin, P. J. Teixeira, L. B. Sardinha, P. N. Vieira, A. L. Palmeira, and R. D. Crosby. 2005. Psychometric and cross-national evaluation of a portuguese version of the impact of weight on quality of life-lite (iwqol-lite) questionnaire. European Eating Disorders Review 13, no. 2: 133-43.
M. Fliedner, B. Baguet, J. Blankart, M. Davies, E. Henriques, A. Leather, E. Mazur, K. Mihaly, L. Peeters, A. Radvanyine, and B. Sedlackova. 2007. Palifermin for patients with haematological malignancies: Shifting nursing practice from symptom relief to prevention of oral mucositis. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 11: S19-S26.
H. Fonseca, M. Ireland, and M. D. Resnick. 2002. Familial correlates of extreme weight control behaviors among adolescents. International Journal of Eating Disorders 32, no. 4: 441-48.
H. Fonseca, M. G. Matos, A. Guerra, and J. G. Pedro. 2009. Are overweight adolescents at higher risk of engaging in unhealthy weight-control behaviours? Acta Paediatrica 98, no. 5: 847-52.


R. Francisco, M. Alarcao, and I. Narciso. 2011. Assesment of risk factors in eatine disorpers. Development and validation of portuguese version or mcknigmy risk factor survey iv. Revista Iberoamericana De Diagnostico Y Evaluacion-E Avaliacao Psicologica 2, no. 32: 143-70.

---. 2012. Aesthetic sports as high-risk contexts for eating disorders - young elite dancers and gymnasts perspectives. Spanish Journal of Psychology 15, no. 1: 265-74.
A. Furnham and R. Nordling. 1998. Cross-cultural differences in preferences for specific male and female body shapes. Personality and Individual Differences 25, no. 4: 635-48.
J. F. Garcia, G. Musitu, and F. Veiga. 2006. Self-concept in adults from spain and portugal. Psicothema 18, no. 3: 551-56.
T. S. Garcia and P. Machado. 2004. Recovery from eating disorders: A patient's perspective. International Journal of Eating Disorders 35, no. 4: 483-83.


A. R. Gomes, C. Martins, and L. Silva. 2011a. Eating disordered behaviours in portuguese athletes: The influence of personal, sport, and psychological variables. European Eating Disorders Review 19, no. 3: 190-200.
S. F. Goncalves and A. R. Comes. 2012. Exercising for weight and shape reasons vs. Health control reasons: The impact on eating disturbance and psychological functioning. Eating Behaviors 13, no. 2: 127-30.


S. Goncalves, M. Silva, A. R. Gomes, and P. P. P. Machado. 2012. Disordered eating among preadolescent boys and girls: The relationship with child and maternal variables. Nutrients 4, no. 4: 273-85.
A. Gustavsson, M. Svensson, F. Jacobi, C. Allgulander, J. Alonso, E. Beghi, R. Dodel, M. Ekman, C. Faravelli, L. Fratiglioni, B. Gannon, D. H. Jones, P. Jennum, A. Jordanova, L. Jonsson, K. Karampampa, M. Knapp, G. Kobelt, T. Kurth, R. Lieb, M. Linde, C. Ljungcrantz, A. Maercker, B. Melin, M. Moscarelli, A. Musayev, F. Norwood, M. Preisig, M. Pugliatti, J. Rehm, L. Salvador-Carulla, B. Schlehofer, R. Simon, H. C. Steinhausen, L. J. Stovner, J. M. Vallat, P. Van den Bergh, J. van Os, P. Vos, W. L. Xu, H. U. Wittchen, B. Jonsson, J. Olesen, and Cdbe Study Grp. 2011. Cost of disorders of the brain in europe 2010. European Neuropsychopharmacology 21, no. 10: 718-79.


A. B. C. Harb, W. Caumo, and M. P. L. Hidalgo. 2008. Translation and adaptation of the brazilian version of the night eating questionnaire. Cadernos De Saude Publica 24, no. 6: 1368-76.
A. T. Kachani, A. L. R. Barbosa, S. Brasiliano, T. A. Cordas, P. B. Hochgraf, and M. A. Conti. 2011. Portuguese (brazil) translation, cross-cultural adaptation and content validity of body checking cognitions scale - bccs. Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica 38, no. 1: 13-18.
A. T. Kachani, P. B. Hochgraf, S. Brasiliano, A. L. R. Barbosa, T. A. Cordas, and M. A. Conti. 2011. Psychometric evaluation of the "Body checking and avoidance questionnaire - bcaq" Adapted to brazilian portuguese. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity 16, no. 4: E293-E99.

S. Kang, D. Razzouk, J. J. de Mari, and I. Shirakawa. 2009. The mental health of korean immigrants in sao paulo, brazil. Cadernos De Saude Publica 25, no. 4: 819-26.
M. F. Lopes and M. F. Botelho. 2007. Midterm follow-up of esophageal anastomosis for esophageal atresia repair: Long-gap versus non-long-gap. Diseases of the Esophagus 20, no. 5: 428-35.


A. Macedo, M. J. Soares, M. H. Azevedo, A. Gomes, A. T. Pereira, B. Maia, and M. Pato. 2007. Perfectionism and eating attitudes in portuauese university students. European Eating Disorders Review 15, no. 4: 296-304.
B. C. Machado, O. F. Goncalves, P. P. P. Machado, M. R. Henriques, A. Roma-Torres, and I. Brandao. 2006. Anorexia nervosa: Divergent validity of a prototype narrative among anorexia relatives. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 6, no. 2: 243-52.
P. P. P. Machado, S. Goncalves, C. Martins, and I. C. Soares. 2001. The portuguese version of the eating disorders inventory: Evaluation of its psychometric properties. European Eating Disorders Review 9, no. 1: 43-52.


P. P. P. Machado, B. C. Machado, S. Goncalves, and H. W. Hoek. 2007. The prevalence of eating disorders not otherwise specified. International Journal of Eating Disorders 40, no. 3: 212-17.
B. R. Maia, M. J. Soares, A. Gomes, M. Marques, A. T. Pereira, A. Cabral, J. Valente, S. C. Bos, M. Pato, F. Pocinho, M. H. Azevedo, and A. Macedo. 2009. Perfectionism in obsessive-compulsive and eating disorders. Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria 31, no. 4: 322-27.
J. M. Martins, A. Trinca, A. Afonso, F. Carreiras, J. Falcao, J. S. Nunes, S. do Vale, and J. C. da Costa. 2001. Psychoneuroendocrine characteristics of common obesity clinical subtypes. International Journal of Obesity 25, no. 1: 24-32.


C. Massoubre, B. Jaeger, G. Milos, U. Schmidt, I. Soares, H. Papezova, M. Denia, G. Faragalli, A. M. Westerlund, J. Pellet, and F. Lang. 2005. Fpi profiles in a european sample of 1068 female patients suffering from anorexia or bulimia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review 13, no. 3: 201-10.
M. A. Mateus, C. S. Silva, O. Neves, and J. Redondo. 2008. Feeders: Eating or sexual disorder? European Psychiatry 23: S184-S85.
P. A. Michaud, S. Stronski, H. Fonseca, A. MacFarlane, and Teach Working Grp Members of the Eu. 2004. The development and pilot-testing of a training curriculum in adolescent medicine and health. Journal of Adolescent Health 35, no. 1: 51-57.
R. O. Moreira, K. F. Marca, J. C. Appolinario, and W. F. Coutinho. 2007. Increased waist circumference is associated with an increased prevalence of mood disorders and depressive symptoms in obese women. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity 12, no. 1: 35-40.
I. A. S. Olsson, A. K. Hansen, and P. Sandoe. 2008. Animal welfare and the refinement of neuroscience research methods - a case study of huntington's disease models. Laboratory Animals 42, no. 3: 277-83.
F. Paraventi, A. D. Claudino, C. M. Morgan, and J. D. Mari. 2011. A case-control study to assess the impact of childhood sexual abuse on eating disorders. Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica 38, no. 6: 222-26.

A. T. Pereira, B. Maia, S. Bos, M. J. Soares, M. Marques, A. Macedo, and M. H. Azevedo. 2008. The portuguese short form of the eating attitudes test-40. European Eating Disorders Review 16, no. 4: 319-25.
A. P. Pinheiro, C. M. Bulik, P. F. Sullivan, and P. P. P. Machado. 2008. An empirical study of the typology of bulimic symptoms in young portuguese women. International Journal of Eating Disorders 41, no. 3: 251-58.
M. I. Quintana, S. B. Andreoli, M. R. Jorge, F. L. Gastal, and C. T. Miranda. 2004. The reliability of the brazilian version of the composite international diagnostic interview (cidi 2.1). Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 37, no. 11: 1739-45.
L. G. Ribeiro and G. V. da Veiga. 2010a. Body image and risk behavior for eating disorders in professional ballet dancers. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 16, no. 2: 99-102.
---. 2010b. Risk behaviors for eating disorders in brazilian dancers. International Journal of Sports Medicine 31, no. 4: 283-88.
I. Santos, A. Simao, A. Baptista, and F. Esteves. 2008. The role of appearance and sociocultural models in eating disorders. International Journal of Psychology 43, no. 3-4: 424-24.
F. B. Scagliusi, M. Alvarenga, V. O. Polacow, T. A. Cordas, G. K. D. Queiroz, D. Coelho, S. T. Philippi, and A. H. Lancha. 2006. Concurrent and discriminant validity of the stunkard's figure rating scale adapted into portuguese. Appetite 47, no. 1: 77-82.

F. B. Scagliusi, V. O. Polacow, T. A. Cordas, D. Coelho, M. Alvarenga, S. T. Philippi, and A. H. Lancha. 2005. Psychometric testing and applications of the body attitudes questionnaire translated into portuguese. Perceptual and Motor Skills 101, no. 1: 25-41.

I. Silva, J. Pais-Ribeiro, and H. Cardoso. 2005. Anxiety, depression, self-concept and social support in obese patients with and without binge eating disorder. Psychology & Health 20: 249-49.
---. 2006. Quality of life in obese patients with and without binge eating disorder. Psychology & Health 21: 138-38.
I. Silva, J. L. Pais-Ribeiro, H. Cardoso, G. Rocha, M. Monteiro, C. Nogueira, J. Santos, and A. Sergio. 2007. Binge eating disorder before and after bariatric surgery: Exploratory study. Obesity Surgery 17, no. 8: 1027-27.


L. Silva, A. R. Gomes, and C. Martins. 2011. Psychological factors related to eating disordered behaviors: A study with portuguese athletes. Spanish Journal of Psychology 14, no. 1: 323-35.
M. R. Silva. 2008. Eating disorders in female athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 40, no. 5: S54-S54.
I. Soares and P. Dias. 2007. Attachment and psychopathology in adults: Recent contributions from research. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 7, no. 1: 177-95.


M. J. Soares, A. Macedo, S. C. Bos, M. Marques, B. Maia, A. T. Pereira, A. Gomes, J. Valente, M. Pato, and M. H. Azevedo. 2009. Perfectionism and eating attitudes in portuguese students: A longitudinal study. European Eating Disorders Review 17, no. 5: 390-98.
V. Swami, F. Neto, M. J. Tovee, and A. Furnham. 2007. Preferences for female body weight and shape in three european countries. European Psychologist 12, no. 3: 220-28.
P. C. Teixeira, N. Hearst, S. M. M. Matsudo, T. A. Cordas, and M. A. Conti. 2011. Transcultural adaptation: Translation and content validation of the commitment exercise scale to the brazilian language. Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica 38, no. 1: 24-28.


P. J. Teixeira, S. B. Going, L. B. Sardinha, and T. G. Lohman. 2005. A review of psychosocial pre-treatment predictors of weight control. Obesity Reviews 6, no. 1: 43-65.
S. Tereno, I. Soares, C. Martins, M. Celani, and D. Sarnpaio. 2008. Attachment styles, memories of parental rearing and therapeutic bond: A study with eating disordered patients, their parents and therapists. European Eating Disorders Review 16, no. 1: 49-58.
S. Torres, M. P. Guerra, L. Lencastre, A. Roma-Torres, I. Brandao, C. Queiros, and F. Vieira. 2011. Cognitive processing of emotions in anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review 19, no. 2: 100-11.


J. Verstuyf, H. Patrick, M. Vansteenkiste, and P. J. Teixeira. 2012. Motivational dynamics of eating regulation: A self-determination theory perspective. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9.
M. C. Viana, M. G. Teixeira, F. Beraldi, I. D. Bassani, and L. H. Andrade. 2009. Sao paulo megacity mental health survey - a population-based epidemiological study of psychiatric morbidity in the sao paulo metropolitan area: Aims, design and field implementation. Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria 31, no. 4: 375-86.
C. M. Vieira, S. N. Cordeiro, R. Magdaleno, and E. R. Turato. 2011. The significance of dietary and behavioral changes in patients with chronic metabolic disorders: A review. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva 16, no. 7: 3161-68.
M. Vieira-Coelho, I. Brandao, E. Moura, E. Osorio, P. Serrao, and A. R. Torres. 2012. Catechol-o-methyltransferase activity in erythrocytes from patients with eating disorders. European Psychiatry 27.


Fli said...

A propósito da imagem que escolheste, gostava de dizer que me representa perfeitamente. Adoro cadernos ou blocos de capas bonitas, de folhas coloridas ou com linhas diferentes. Tenho uma colecção enorme desses cadernos que ainda não usei nem me parece que algum dia os vá usar, apenas porque tenho medo de os preencher "mal", com algo que não tenha o valor da capa. Portanto sim, são páginas e páginas em branco.

esqueci a ana (ex-ana) said...

As páginas em branco dos 'cadernos ou blocos bonitos' mereciam um post!!!
Sei bem do que falas. Quando via a imagem não pude deixar de sorrir em particular com a mensagem da última quadricula.
Boas escritas Fli! Obrigada pelo comentário!