Aqui dou notícia de um call for articles sobre 'Emoções e Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar". A coordenadora/editora desse número especial da revista científica EUROPEAN EATING DISORDERS REVIEW (de que já fizemos referência a alguns artigos) é a Janet Treasure que é autora de várias publicações sobre 'como ajudar alguém com anorexia ou bulimia' Aqui incluímos algumas mensagens com textos da Janet Treasure (por exemplo este)
Call for Papers da EUROPEAN EATING DISORDERS REVIEW : Special Issue on Emotional Issues in Eating Disorders
"This is a call for papers for a special edition relating to emotional issues in eating disorders to be guest edited by Professor Janet Treasure. Papers selected for this edition will be short reports describing new data using a variety of technologies for assessment and treatment of the emotional aspects of eating disorders. Papers are to be submitted at by March 31st 2012.
57 artigos científicos com referências a Portugal:
Alvarenga, Marle Santos, Raquel Franzini Pereira, Fernanda Baeza Scagliusi, Sonia Tucunduva Philippi, Camilla Chermont Prochnik Estima, and Jillian Croll. "Psychometric Evaluation of the Disordered Eating Attitude Scale (Deas). English Version." Appetite 55, no. 2 (2010): 374-76.
Anonymous. "24th European Conference of Psychosomatic Research, Lisbon, Portugal, June 19-22, 2002." Journal of Psychosomatic Research 52, no. 5 (2002): 313-421.
Baeza Scagliusi, Fernanda, Marle Alvarenga, Viviane Ozores Polacow, Taki Athanassios Cordas, Gisele Kawamura de Oliveira Queiroz, Desire Coelho, Sonia Tucunduva Philippi, and Antonio Herbert Lancha, Jr. "Concurrent and Discriminant Validity of the Stunkard's Figure Rating Scale Adapted into Portuguese." Appetite 47, no. 1 (2006): 77-82.
Bento, C., A. T. Pereira, B. Maia, M. Marques, M. J. Soares, S. Bos, J. Valente, A. Gomes, M. H. P. Azevedo, and A. Macedo. "Perfectionism and Eating Behaviour in Portuguese Adolescents." European Eating Disorders Review 18, no. 4 (2010): 328-37.
Black, Donald W. "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Its Potential Subtypes." Cns Spectrums 5, no.
Borges, M. B. F., C. M. Morgan, A. M. Claudino, and D. X. da Silveira. "Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns-Revised (Qewp-R) for the Screening of Binge Eating Disorder." Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria 27, no. 4 (2005): 319-22.
Campos, Tania Fernandes, Aline Braga Galvao Silveira, and Marina Tostes Miranda Barroso. "Regularity of Daily Activities in Stroke." Chronobiology International 25, no. 4 (2008): 611-24.
Carvalho, D., G. Carvalho, P. Freitas, F. Correia, M. Miranda, E. Garcia, R. Mensink, J. Medina, and S. Castedo. "Mc4r Mutations in a Sample of Morbid Obese Portuguese Patients." International Journal of Obesity 32 (2008): S198-S98.
Cauduro Harb, Ana Beatriz, Wolnei Caumo, and Maria Paz Loayza Hidalgo. "Translation and Adaptation of the Brazilian Version of the Night Eating Questionnaire." Cadernos De Saude Publica 24, no. 6 (2008): 1368-76.
Conti, Maria Aparecida, Fernanda Scagliusi, Gisele Kawamura de Oliveira Queiroz, Norman Hearst, and Taki Athanassios Cordas. "Cross-Cultural Adaptation: Translation and Portuguese Language Content Validation of the Tripartite Influence Scale for Body Dissatisfaction." Cadernos De Saude Publica 26, no. 3 (2010): 503-13.
Conti, Maria Aparecida, Betzabeth Slater, and Maria do Rosario Dias de Oliveira Latorre. "Validity and Reproducibility of Escala De Evaluacion Da Insatisfacion Corporal Para Adolescentes." Revista De Saude Publica 43, no. 3 (2009).
Costa, Conceicao, Elisabete Ramos, Henrique Barros, Antonio R. Torres, Milton Severo, and Carla Lopes. "Psychometric Properties of the Eating Disorders Inventory among Portuguese Adolescents." Acta medica portuguesa 20, no. 6 (2007): 511-24.
Costa, Conceicao, Elisabete Ramos, Milton Severo, Henrique Barros, and Carla Lopes. "Determinants of Eating Disorders Symptomatology in Portuguese Adolescents." Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 162, no. 12 (2008): 1126-32.
da Silva, Luciana Maria, and Manoel Antonio dos Santos. "Building Bridges: A Multidisciplinary Team Experience Report on Eating Disorders." Medicina (Ribeirao Preto) 39, no. 3 (2006): 415-24.
de Almeida, G. A. N., S. R. Loureiro, and J. E. dos Santos. "Morbid Obesity in Women - Eating Style and Quality of Life." Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutricion 51, no. 4 (2001): 359-65.
Deazevedo, M. H. P., and C. P. Ferreira. "Anorexia-Nervosa and Bulimia - a Prevalence Study." Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 86, no. 6 (1992): 432-36.
Dias, G. A. C., G. V. Pires, S. O. R. Valle, A. T. Franca, J. A. Papi, S. D. Dortas, Jr., S. A. P. Levy, I. Baiardini, and G. W. Canonica. "Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Brazilian-Portuguese Version of the Chronic Urticaria Quality-of-Life Questionnaire - Cu-Q(2) Ol." Allergy 66, no. 11 (2011): 1487-93.
do Carmo, I. "Health Behaviors in Portugal. Epidemiological Studies." Acta medica portuguesa 10, no. 6-7 (1997): 433-45.
Do Carmo, Isabel, Dinis Reis, P. Varandas, Teresa Dias, Dulce Bouca, Dione Patre-Santo, A. Neves, D. Sampaio, and A. Galvao-Teles. "Prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorders Symptoms among Adolescents in Greater Lisbon Metropolitan Area." Neuroendocrinology Letters 14, no. 4 (1992): 281.
Engel, S. G., R. L. Kolotkin, P. J. Teixeira, L. B. Sardinha, P. N. Vieira, A. L. Palmeira, and R. D. Crosby. "Psychometric and Cross-National Evaluation of a Portuguese Version of the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (Iwqol-Lite) Questionnaire." European Eating Disorders Review 13, no. 2 (2005): 133-43.
Fernando Garcia, Jose, Gonzalo Musitu, and Feliciano Veiga. "Self-Concept in Adults from Spain and Portugal." Psicothema 18, no. 3 (2006): 551-56.
Fonseca, Helena, Margarida G. Matos, Antonio Guerra, and J. Gomes Pedro. "Are Overweight Adolescents at Higher Risk of Engaging in Unhealthy Weight-Control Behaviours?" Acta Paediatrica 98, no. 5 (2009): 847-52.
Freitas, Silvia, Claudia S. Lopes, Walmir Coutinho, and Jose C. Appolinario. "Translation and Adaptation into Portuguese of the Binge-Eating Scale." Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 23, no. 4 (2001): 215-20.
Freitas, Silvia R., Claudia S. Lopes, Jose C. Appolinario, and Walmir Coutinho. "The Assessment of Binge Eating Disorder in Obese Women: A Comparison of the Binge Eating Scale with the Structured Clinical Interview for the Dsm-Iv." Eating behaviors 7, no. 3 (2006): 282-9.
Furnham, A., and R. Nordling. "Cross-Cultural Differences in Preferences for Specific Male and Female Body Shapes." Personality and Individual Differences 25, no. 4 (1998): 635-48.
Huprich, S. K., M. Zimmerman, and I. Chelminski. "Disentangling Depressive Personality Disorder from Avoidant, Borderline, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders." Comprehensive Psychiatry 47, no. 4 (2006): 300-08.
Kachani, Adriana Trejger, Ana Lucia Rodrigues Barbosa, Silvia Brasiliano, Taki Athanassios Cordas, Patricia Brunfentrinker Hochgraf, and Maria Aparecida Conti. "Portuguese (Brazil) Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Content Validity of Body Checking Cognitions Scale - Bccs." Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica 38, no. 1 (2011): 13-18.
Kang, Sam, Denise Razzouk, Jair Jesus de Mari, and Itiro Shirakawa. "The Mental Health of Korean Immigrants in Sao Paulo, Brazil." Cadernos De Saude Publica 25, no. 4 (2009): 819-26.
Lagos, Jesse B., Obdulio G. Miguel, and Marcia do R. Duarte. "Anatomical Characters of Catuaba (Trichilia Catigua A. Juss., Meliaceae)." Latin American Journal of Pharmacy 26, no. 2 (2007): 185-90.
Macedo, Antonio, Maria Joao Soares, Maria Helena Azevedo, Ana Gomes, Ana Telma Pereira, Berta Maia, and Michele Pato. "Perfectionism and Eating Attitudes in Portuauese University Students." European Eating Disorders Review 15, no. 4 (2007): 296-304.
Machado, P. P. P. "Eating Disorders in Portugal: The Contribution of Possible Cultural Correlates." Eating Disorders in the Mediterranean Area: an Expolration in Transcultural Psychology (2003): 111-19.
Machado, P. P. P., S. Goncalves, C. Martins, and I. C. Soares. "The Portuguese Version of the Eating Disorders Inventory: Evaluation of Its Psychometric Properties." European Eating Disorders Review 9, no. 1 (2001): 43-52.
Machado, Paulo P. P., Barbara C. Machado, Sonia Goncalves, and Hans W. Hoek. "The Prevalence of Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified." International Journal of Eating Disorders 40, no. 3 (2007): 212-17.
Maia, Berta Rodrigues, Maria Joao Soares, Ana Gomes, Mariana Marques, Ana Telma Pereira, Ana Cabral, Jose Valente, Sandra Carvalho Bos, Michele Pato, Fernando Pocinho, Maria Helena Azevedo, and Antonio Macedo. "Perfectionism in Obsessive-Compulsive and Eating Disorders." Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria 31, no. 4 (2009): 322-27.
Malfait, P., A. Moren, J. C. Dillon, A. Brodel, G. Begkoyian, M. G. Etchegorry, G. Malenga, and P. Hakewill. "An Outbreak of Pellagra Related to Changes in Dietary Niacin among Mozambican Refugees in Malawi." International Journal of Epidemiology 22, no. 3 (1993): 504-11.
Moreira, R. O., K. F. Marca, J. C. Appolinario, and W. F. Coutinho. "Increased Waist Circumference Is Associated with an Increased Prevalence of Mood Disorders and Depressive Symptoms in Obese Women." Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity 12, no. 1 (2007): 35-40.
Morgan, Christina M., Maria Beatriz F. Borges, and Miguel Roberto Jorge. "Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns: Revised: An Instrument to Assess Binge Eating Disorder." Revista ABP-APAL (Associacao Brasileira de Psiquiatria-Asociacion Psiquiatrica de la America Latina) 20, no. 4 (1998): 130-39.
Nunes, Maria Angelica, Lais Faria Bagatini, Ana Luiza Abuchaim, Adriana Kunz, Denise Ramos, Joao Alfredo Silva, Ligia Somenzi, and Andrea Pinheiro. "Eating Disorders: Considerations About the Eating Attitudes Test (Eat)." Revista ABP-APAL (Associacao Brasileira de Psiquiatria-Asociacion Psiquiatrica de la America Latina) 16, no. 1 (1994): 7-10.
Pereira, Ana Telma, Berta Maia, Sandra Bos, Maria Joao Soares, Mariana Marques, Antonio Macedo, and Maria Helena Azevedo. "The Portuguese Short Form of the Eating Attitudes Test-40." European Eating Disorders Review 16, no. 4 (2008): 319-25.
Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro, Cynthia M. Bulik, Patrick F. Sullivan, and Paulo P. P. Machado. "An Empirical Study of the Typology of Bulimic Symptoms in Young Portuguese Women." International Journal of Eating Disorders 41, no. 3 (2008): 251-58.
Quintana, M. I., S. B. Andreoli, M. R. Jorge, F. L. Gastal, and C. T. Miranda. "The Reliability of the Brazilian Version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (Cidi 2.1)." Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 37, no. 11 (2004): 1739-45.
Ribeiro, L. G., and G. V. da Veiga. "Risk Behaviors for Eating Disorders in Brazilian Dancers." International Journal of Sports Medicine 31, no. 4 (2010): 283-88.
Ribeiro, Lena Guimaraes, and Gloria Valeria da Veiga. "Body Image and Risk Behavior for Eating Disorders in Professional Ballet Dancers." Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 16, no. 2 (2010): 99-102.
Ruggiero, G. M. "A Map of the Epidemiology and Sociocultural Risk Factors for Eating Disorders in Nine Mediterranean Countries: Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey." Eating Disorders in the Mediterranean Area: an Expolration in Transcultural Psychology (2003): 185-95.
Rui Gomes, A., Carla Martins, and Luiz Silva. "Eating Disordered Behaviours in Portuguese Athletes: The Influence of Personal, Sport, and Psychological Variables." European Eating Disorders Review 19, no. 3 (2011): 190-200.
Saragoca, A., C. S. Soares, and B. Barros. "Primary Neoplasms of Liver - Possibility of Biochemical Diagnosis." American Journal of Digestive Diseases 9, no. 5 (1964): 337-&.
Scagliusi, F. B., V. O. Polacow, T. A. Cordas, D. Coelho, M. Alvarenga, S. T. Philippi, and A. H. Lancha. "Psychometric Testing and Applications of the Body Attitudes Questionnaire Translated into Portuguese." Perceptual and Motor Skills 101, no. 1 (2005): 25-41.
Scagliusi, Fernanda Baeza, Viviane Ozores Polacow, Taki Athanassios Cordas, Desire Coelho, Marle Alvarenga, Sonia Tucunduva Philippi, and Antonio Herbert Lancha, Jr. "Test-Retest Reliability and Discriminant Validity of the Restraint Scale Translated into Portuguese." Eating behaviors 6, no. 1 (2005): 85-93.
Silva, Luiz, A. Rui Gomes, and Carla Martins. "Psychological Factors Related to Eating Disordered Behaviors: A Study with Portuguese Athletes." Spanish Journal of Psychology 14, no. 1 (2011): 323-35.
Soares Amaral, Ana Carolina, Taki Athanassios Cordas, Maria Aparecida Conti, and Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira. "Semantic Equivalence and Internal Consistency of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 (Sataq-3)." Cadernos De Saude Publica 27, no. 8 (2011): 1487-97.
Soares, Maria Joao, Antonio Macedo, Sandra Carvalho Bos, Mariana Marques, Berta Maia, Ana Telma Pereira, Ana Gomes, Jose Valente, Michele Pato, and Maria Helena Azevedo. "Perfectionism and Eating Attitudes in Portuguese Students: A Longitudinal Study." European Eating Disorders Review 17, no. 5 (2009): 390-98.
Swami, Viren, Felix Neto, Martin J. Tovee, and Adrian Furnham. "Preferences for Female Body Weight and Shape in Three European Countries." European Psychologist 12, no. 3 (2007): 220-28.
Szabo, Pal, Zoltan Peto, and Ferenc Tury. "The Prevalence of Eating Disorders in a Hungarian Secondary School Population over a Period of 10 Years." Orvosi Hetilap 151, no. 15 (2010): 603-12.
Teixeira, Paula Costa, Norman Hearst, Sandra Marcela Mahecha Matsudo, Taki Athanassios Cordas, and Maria Aparecida Conti. "Transcultural Adaptation: Translation and Content Validation of the Commitment Exercise Scale to the Brazilian Language." Revista De Psiquiatria Clinica 38, no. 1 (2011): 24-28.
Tereno, Susana, Isabel Soares, Carla Martins, Mariana Celani, and Daniel Sarnpaio. "Attachment Styles, Memories of Parental Rearing and Therapeutic Bond: A Study with Eating Disordered Patients, Their Parents and Therapists." European Eating Disorders Review 16, no. 1 (2008): 49-58.
Viana, Maria Carmen, Marlene Galativicis Teixeira, Fidel Beraldi, Indaia de Santana Bassani, and Laura Helena Andrade. "Sao Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey - a Population-Based Epidemiological Study of Psychiatric Morbidity in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area: Aims, Design and Field Implementation." Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria 31, no. 4 (2009): 375-86.
Vieira, Carla Maria, Silvia Nogueira Cordeiro, Ronis Magdaleno Junior, and Egberto Ribeiro Turato. "The Significance of Dietary and Behavioral Changes in Patients with Chronic Metabolic Disorders: A Review." Ciencia & Saude Coletiva 16, no. 7 (2011): 3161-68.